• It was time for Isaac to find a wife, but the local women worshiped false gods. Abraham was worried. He feared that if Isaac married one of the local women then all his grandchildren might also become idol worshipers. Abraham said to his loyal servant, “Go to my homeland and choose a wife for Isaac and bring her back with you.” “How will I be able to choose the right woman?” the servant asked. “The Most High God will send His angel before you. He will help you,” said Abraham. Then the servant travelled to Abraham’s hometown. He stopped by a well to pray, “Lord God, please lead me to a woman who is right for Isaac.” Just then, a beautiful young woman named Rebekah came to the well. She gave the servant a drink of water and said, “I will water your camels too.” The servant praised God for answering his prayer. “God has been kind and truthful. Rebekah is the right wife for Isaac.” Why did Abraham send his servant back to his homeland? Why did Abraham’s servant pray to God?

    Isaac Gets a Wife

  • 有一天,上帝要考验亚伯拉罕对他的爱。他说:“亚伯拉罕,我要你把唯一的儿子奉献给我,去把以撒绑在坛上献祭给我。”对亚伯拉罕来说这是一件极难的事,亚伯拉罕非常爱以撒,但他信奉上帝。第二天清晨,亚伯拉罕带着以撒到山上去筑了一座坛。以撒说:“爸爸,献祭用的羔羊在哪里?”亚伯拉罕回答:“上帝必有预备。”接着,亚伯拉罕把儿子放在祭坛上,突然,上帝的使者高声呼喊:“亚伯拉罕!亚伯拉罕!不要伤害这孩子,你敬爱上帝,我知道你最爱上帝。”亚伯拉罕又看见一只公羊,它的角被树枝卡住了,亚伯拉罕把公羊抓来当祭物,代替他那唯一的儿子。亚伯拉罕把那地方叫做“上帝必有预备”。因为亚伯拉罕信靠上帝,上帝便大大的赐福给他。 亚伯拉罕信奉上帝吗? 最后,亚伯拉罕献给上帝的祭是什么?

    Abraham and Isaac

  • One day God tested Abraham’s love. He said, “Abraham, I want you to give your only son to me. I want you to sacrifice Isaac on an altar.” This was very difficult for Abraham, since he loved Isaac very much. But Abraham trusted God. Early the next morning, Abraham took Isaac to a mountain and built an altar. “Father, where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Isaac asked. “God will provide!” answered Abraham. Then Abraham laid his son on the altar. Suddenly, an angel of God shouted, “Abraham! Abraham! Do not hurt the boy. Since you have obeyed the Lord God, I now know that your love for God is great!” Then Abraham saw a ram caught by his horns in the bushes. Abraham sacrificed the ram that God had provided instead of his only son. Abraham named that place “The Lord will provide.” The Lord God blessed Abraham with a great reward because he trusted Him. Did Abraham trust God? What did Abraham offer to God at the end?

    Abraham and Isaac

  • 亚伯兰敬拜至高之神,但他的邻舍们都拜假神。上帝对亚伯兰说:“离开这片土地,去一个新的地方,我会赐福给你。”亚伯兰按上帝的吩咐,收拾好自己的行装便离开了。上帝向亚伯兰显现,说:“我会把你看见的土地都赐给你和你的家人。”亚伯兰很感谢上帝。 一天晚上,亚伯兰在异象中听见上帝对他说:“你能数算夜空中的星星吗?我会赐你很多子孙,多到你没法数算。”后来,上帝把亚伯兰的名字改为亚伯拉罕。上帝再一次说:“你要做多人的父。”亚伯拉罕如今九十九岁了,上帝说:“你的妻子撒拉将要生一个儿子。”亚伯拉罕说:“撒拉和我已经老了,不能再生小孩。”上帝说:“难道在我有难成的事吗?”撒拉和亚伯拉罕果然生了一个儿子,取名叫以撒,以撒的意思是:“欢笑之声”。 是谁让亚伯拉罕去一个新的地方? 亚伯拉罕爱不爱上帝?

    God’s Promise to Abraham

  • Abram worshipped the Most High God. His neighbours prayed to false gods. God told Abram, “Leave this country. Go to a new land, and I will bless you.” Abram obeyed God. Abram packed all his things and moved. Then God appeared to Abram and said, “I will give all the land you see to you and your family.” Abram thanked God. One night God spoke to Abram in a vision. “Can you count all the stars in the night sky? I will bless you with as many children as there are stars, you will not be able to count them.” Later God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. Again, God said, “You will be the father of many.” At that time Abraham was ninety-nine years old. God said, “Your wife, Sarah, will give birth to a son.” Abraham said, “Sarah and I are too old, we are not able to have children.” “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” said God. Then, just as God had promised, Sarah and Abraham had a son. His name was Isaac, which means “laughter”. Who told Abraham to go to a new place? Did Abraham love God?

    God’s Promise to Abraham

  • Soon the earth was full of people again. Everyone used the same language to talk. The people said, “Let’s build a city with a tall tower to show how wonderful we are.” These proud people thought they were greater than God. God was not happy. So He confused their language. The people stopped building the tower and scattered to every land. And the city was named Babel, which means “confusion.” From then on, people lived in different lands, each group speaking their own language. Why was God not happy with the people who built the Tower of Babel? Why did God confuse their language?

    The Tower of Babel

  • 那时候,地上住满了邪恶的人,上帝造了后悔人。他说:“我要把地上所有的都毁灭,再重新开始!”但上帝见到一个行为正直的好人,那人叫挪亚。上帝告诉挪亚:“我要叫洪水把大地淹没,如果你造一条大船,就可以逃命。”挪亚照上帝的吩咐,造了一条又高又大的船,他的家人和许多动物都安全地住在里面。挪亚把不同种类的动物都带上了船,狮子、大象、猴子和大熊等动物成双成对地上了船。最后,上帝把舱门紧紧关上。天空电闪雷鸣,开始下大暴雨。暴雨下了四十个昼夜,洪水高涨,连山顶也被淹没,地上所有的都被毁灭了。最后,上帝叫一阵大风把地面吹干,大船搁浅在干地上。挪亚从船上放飞了一只鸽子,鸽子飞回来时,嘴里叼着一片橄榄叶。挪亚知道地面已经差不多干透了。挪亚离开大船后,他筑了一座祭坛,他感谢上帝救了他和他的家人,上帝非常喜悦,他赐福给挪亚。上帝说:“我永远不会再用洪水毁灭大地,天上的那道彩虹就是我给你的见证。” 挪亚为什么要造一条大船? 上帝拯救挪亚一家人的原因是什么?

    Noah and the Big Flood

  • The earth was crowded with wicked people. The Most High God was sorry that He made humankind. He said, “I will destroy everything on earth and start again!” But God saw one good man who tried to do right. The man’s name was Noah. God told Noah, “I will drown the earth in a flood of water. You will be saved, if you build a big boat.” Noah did everything God said. He built a boat tall and wide. His family and many animals would hide safely inside. Noah put two of every kind of animal on the boat – lions, elephants, monkeys, and bears; every animal pair marched onto the boat. When it was all ready, God sealed the door shut. Thunder and lightning crashed. Rain poured from the sky. The storm lasted for forty days and forty nights. The water rose high above the mountain peaks, and everything was destroyed. Finally, God sent a wind to dry the earth and the boat touched solid ground. Then Noah sent a dove from the boat. The dove returned with an olive leaf in his beak, then Noah knew the ground was almost dry. When Noah left the boat, he built an altar. He thanked God for saving his family. God was very pleased. He blessed Noah. God said, “I will never again destroy the earth with a flood. A rainbow in the sky will be the sign of my promise to you.” Why did Noah build the ark? Why did God save Noah and his family?

    Noah and the Big Flood

  • 亚当和夏娃生了许多孩子。长子叫该隐,次子叫亚伯。该隐是个农夫,亚伯是个牧羊人。有一天,该隐和亚伯一起敬拜上帝,并各自献祭品给上帝。亚伯的祭品非常美好,但该隐献祭品时却没有诚意。该隐的祭品没能讨上帝的喜悦。该隐非常愤怒,因为上帝不接受他的祭品,于是他想要杀死亚伯。上帝说:“你心中充满怒火,只要你做得好,我会接受你。”可是,该隐没有听从上帝的话,他击打亚伯,把他杀死了。上帝问该隐:“你的弟弟在哪里?”该隐高声说:“我不知道,我有责任照顾他吗?” 上帝说:“你对你弟弟所做的事我都知道,你那可怕的罪一定会受到惩罚。”上帝对该隐说:“你的心太邪恶,你必须离开我。”之后该隐到处漂泊,上帝也不和他同在。 该隐为什么要杀死亚伯? 该隐为什么必须离开上帝?

    Cain and Abel

  • Adam and Eve had many children. Their oldest son was called Cain and the second was called Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. One day Cain and Abel each brought offerings to the Most High God. Abel’s offering was good but Cain’s was not given with pure intentions and God was not pleased with it. Cain was angry that God did not accept his offering. He wanted to kill Abel. “Your heart is angry,” God said. “If you do what is right I will accept you.” But Cain did no obey God. Cain hit Abel and killed him. “Where is your brother?” God asked. Cain answered, “I don’t know. Is it my job to take care of him?” God said, “I know what you did to your brother. You will surely be punished for the terrible way you treated him.” God told Cain, “Because your heart is evil, you cannot stay in my presence.” So Cain roamed the earth without God. Why did Cain kill Abel? Why did Cain have to leave God’s presence?

    Cain and Abel

  • 亚当和夏娃快乐地居住在这个美丽的伊甸园里。他们一边在伊甸园里散步,一边跟上帝聊天,上帝就成了他们最好的朋友。上帝告诉他们:“除了园中的一棵树,其余树上的果子你们都可以吃。如果你们吃了长在园子中央那棵树上的果子,你们就会死!”亚当和夏娃听从了上帝的话。有一个叫撒但的魔鬼,它曾经是上帝的一个天使,后来背叛上帝变成魔鬼。它利用了一条毒蛇的样子去欺骗夏娃。那条狡猾的蛇对夏娃说:“上帝真的对你们说过不要吃所有树上的美味的果子吗?”这时夏娃看见了园子中央那棵树上的那些美丽的果子。毒蛇又说:“尝尝吧!只要吃一点,你就会变得跟上帝一样聪明,而且不会死去。”夏娃就吃了那禁果,而且还拿了一些给亚当,亚当也吃了。突然,他们听见上帝在园子里走路的脚步声,因为他们知道自己没有听上帝的话,所以感到害怕。无论他们躲到哪里,上帝都能看见。上帝高呼:“亚当,亚当,你在哪里?你为什么要躲起来?”亚当回答:“我听见你的声音,很害怕。”上帝说:“你吃了我叫你不要吃的果子吗?”亚当说:“是女人给我吃的。”夏娃说:“是毒蛇说可以吃的!”上帝非常难过,因为他们没有听从他的话。上帝诅咒蛇:“你永远要用肚皮爬行。”上帝对亚当和夏娃说:“因为你们选择了罪,所以必须离开这园子。”上帝拿动物的皮给他们做衣服,然后赶他们离开了可爱的伊甸园。 亚当和夏娃躲避上帝的原因是什么? 亚当和夏娃为什么要离开园子呢?

    Adam and Eve in the Garden

  • Adam and Eve were happy and satisfied in the beautiful garden. They walked and talked with God. He was their friend. God told them, “You may eat fruit from any tree, except one. If you eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, you will die!” Adam and Eve obeyed God. Now at that time there was an evil spirit called Satan. Previously he was one of God’s angels but he had rebelled against God and as a result had become an evil spirit. Now the devil, called Satan, came in the form of a snake and deceived Eve. “Did God really tell you not to eat any of this tasty fruit?”, the snake asked. Eve looked at the beautiful fruit on the tree in the middle of the garden. The snake went on, “Taste a little bit! It will make you wise like God, you will not die.” She ate the forbidden fruit. Then she took some to Adam, and he tasted it too. Suddenly, they heard God walking in the garden. They knew they had disobeyed God, so they were afraid. Even though God knew where they were he called out in a loud voice, “Adam, Adam, where are you? Why are you hiding?” Adam answered, “When I heard You coming I was frightened,” “Did you eat the fruit I told you not to touch?” God asked. “The woman gave it to me!” said Adam. “The snake said it was okay to eat!” said Eve. God was grieved that they had not obeyed Him. Then God cursed the snake and said, “Snake, you will crawl on your belly forever!” God told Adam and Eve, “Because you chose to not obey me, you must leave the garden immediately.” Then He made clothing from animal skins for them to wear and sent them away from the garden. Why did Adam and Eve hide from God? Why did Adam and Eve have to leave the garden of Eden?

    Adam and Eve in the Garden