
Who we are

TBWorld is a collection of resources for people in and around the Tibetan World (TB World). You’ll find music, art, media, literature, and videos relevant to the cultures and people of this rich corner of the world. We also offer a collection of Tibetan Christian resources including e-books, song lyrics, music videos, and sheet music. And you’ll find other helpful resources for the people in these areas, as well, such as tools to help during COVID, other health resources, and language learning tools. We offer most of our resources as free downloads while other resources are available for purchase.

Mission and Vision

TBWorld exists to support and help people in and around the Tibetan Buddhist World. We do this by providing our community with resources that promote harmony, understanding, good values, and development. We want to be a one stop shop for resources that promote joy, strength, good health, and personal development for people in the Tibetan Buddhist World.


Do you have resources that are helpful for others in the Tibetan Buddhist World? Are there particular resources you’re looking for that we don’t have yet? We’d love to hear from you! Please write to us!

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