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Noah and the Big Flood

The earth was crowded with wicked people. The Most High God was sorry that He made humankind. He said, “I will destroy everything on earth and start again!” But God saw one good man who tried to do right. The man’s name was Noah. God told Noah, “I will drown the earth in a flood of water. You will be saved, if you build a big boat.” Noah did everything God said. He built a boat tall and wide. His family and many animals would hide safely inside. Noah put two of every kind of animal on the boat – lions, elephants, monkeys, and bears; every animal pair marched onto the boat. When it was all ready, God sealed the door shut. Thunder and lightning crashed. Rain poured from the sky. The storm lasted for forty days and forty nights. The water rose high above the mountain peaks, and everything was destroyed. Finally, God sent a wind to dry the earth and the boat touched solid ground. Then Noah sent a dove from the boat. The dove returned with an olive leaf in his beak, then Noah knew the ground was almost dry. When Noah left the boat, he built an altar. He thanked God for saving his family. God was very pleased. He blessed Noah. God said, “I will never again destroy the earth with a flood. A rainbow in the sky will be the sign of my promise to you.” Why did Noah build the ark? Why did God save Noah and his family?