Root/ trace
Cain and Abel

Adam and Eve had many children. Their oldest son was called Cain and the second was called Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. One day Cain and Abel each brought offerings to the Most High God. Abel’s offering was good but Cain’s was not given with pure intentions and God was not pleased with it. Cain was angry that God did not accept his offering. He wanted to kill Abel. “Your heart is angry,” God said. “If you do what is right I will accept you.” But Cain did no obey God. Cain hit Abel and killed him. “Where is your brother?” God asked. Cain answered, “I don’t know. Is it my job to take care of him?” God said, “I know what you did to your brother. You will surely be punished for the terrible way you treated him.” God told Cain, “Because your heart is evil, you cannot stay in my presence.” So Cain roamed the earth without God. Why did Cain kill Abel? Why did Cain have to leave God’s presence?