
Music on


This page gives you an introduction to all kinds of music resources you will find on

On the website you will find resources linked to music as a tool for both musicians and singers and in several languages. These resources have been linked to a song to make the song as useful as possible. You find videos, audio recordings, lyrics, slides and song sheets.


Audio recordings

Song Sheets


Gye, Gönchò, namka tang sashi Kye-gi wang-gi göba re Gye, Gönchò, namka tang sashi Kye-gi chà-gi göba re Kye-la kakbo kang yang me (2) Ngantsö günwang-gi Gönchò Ga tang dzäba-nam chembo ye Kang yang, kang yang Dzawa nä kang yang Kye-la kakbo kang yang me

Ah, Lord God

༡ དད་པ་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་བྱེད་ན། སྡིག་པ་ནས་ཐར་བ་འཐོབ་ཡོང་། སྡིག་སེལ་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་ཞུས་ན། སྡིག་སེལ་ཁོང་གིས་གནང་ཡོང་། སྡིག་སེལ་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་ཞུས་ན། སྡིག་སེལ་ཁོང་གིས་གནང་ཡོང་། ༢ དད་པ་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་བྱེད་ན། མི་ཚེ་གསར་བ་འཐོབ་ཡོང་། བསྟོད་གཞས་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་འབུལ་ན། བསྟོད་གཞས་ཁོང་གིས་གསན་ཡོང་། བསྟོད་གཞས་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་འབུལ་ན། བསྟོད་གཞས་ཁོང་གིས་གསན་ཡོང་། ༣ དད་པ་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་བྱེད་ན། འཆི་བ་ནས་ཐར་བ་འཐོབ་ཡོང་། དབང་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་ཞུས་ན། དབང་ཁོང་གིས་གནང་ཡོང་། དབང་ཡེ་ཤུ་ལ་ཞུས་ན། དབང་ཁོང་གིས་གནང་ཡོང་།

If You Believe

Tambä tamba kakyâb jikden gön Dewä lamsang nangwa da-gi tö Rangshi nyingbar dö lo ma chung shing Nangsem dewa sar tsö chok su yo Gom jì dor yang dewa tsö chir de Tsik jì ma yang dewa tsö chir ma Gewä lä gyang dewä lä-tu che Dikbä lä gyang dewä lä-tu che Trongma mikme dewä tön-tu gyuk Sabu gangme dewä che-tu gyuk Dor na jikden tamjä bang drin nä Jik lä jik gyok dewä chok su gyuk Tongrik mebä kâb len pabong-la Dong sum jikden ob-gi duwa di Ngö-su sam na dewa chembö ing Nang si gün-gi tim sa yimbar she Dong sum bänjor tob gyang ma tsimbä Ngam chen dok dö barwä trakba jän Jangshe sem-gi pu chung gukba di Tön-la de dong namkä gyäsi tsö Dewä chò chin Immanuel-ba Den chò ngöshi Tambä Tuknyi to Tambä Tuknyi nyur-tu dzä-tu sö Da-gi kye-la rewä döyang pü

Holiest Saviour Of The World


Music pages on


Currently you find these pages to help you navigate the music resources

This page brings to you to a list of titles of songs. Each title will lead you to a page with all resources connected to that song. A great way of playing songs, seeing the lyrics and getting your music sheets.

Music Recordings from the site of music. You find audio and video recordings here in differently languages and all directly playable for you.

Sheet Music for playing the songs, often with lyrics too and most of them with chords, number notation and bar notation.

Lyrics to the songs and easy to search to find your topic, your song or just inspiration, plus easy to switch between languages.

Power points made in differently languages and combinations. Just download and use for your next time of worship.

Upcoming features


We are constantly developing new features and we hope to see soon

Opening a page that will play songs for you, a random song from the site, reload to get a new or follow the links for options. Page will be updated to be a full running jukebox.


Listed songs with lyrics for a quickly finding your lyrics for singing along.


A hymnbook for you with lyrics, chords and number notation with different languages. A quick way to use in fellowship or at home and moving from song to song.