• The Lord Jesus Christ Came into this world. His good news of peace Has reached all peoples. Through His blood, Mankind received salvation. Through His Holy Spirit, He showed the way. Hallelujah. The Lord Jesus Christ Loved all the people of the world. By believing in Him, People received hope. The Lord Christ Jesus Is the way to salvation from sin. By believing in Him, They received the joy of salvation. Hallelujah.



  • The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want He makes me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside quiet waters He restores my soul He guides me in paths of righteousness For His name’s sake Even though I walk through The valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me Your rod and your staff they comfort me You prepare a table before me In the presence of my enemies You anoint my head with oil My cup overflows Surely goodness and love Will follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house Of the Lord forever.

    The Lord is My Shepherd



  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God all creatures here below Praise God above all heavenly hosts Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology)



  • There is a way to be saved from sin. That way is Jesus, the Saviour. That way is Jesus, the Lord. If I come to Him in worship, He will cleanse me from sins. He will cleanse me from my sins. I believe, I believe in Him! Jesus has died for me. Jesus has died for me. By His blood, by His precious blood. I have received salvation. (2x) By that way there’s a new heart That way is Jesus, the Saviour, That way is Jesus, the Lord. Even though my heart is black with sin. He will make it white. (2x) There is a way to be saved from death. That way is Jesus, the Saviour. That way is Jesus the Lord. Those who believe in His name now. Will gain eternal life. (2x) There is a way to the heavenly realms That way is Jesus, the Saviour. That way is Jesus, the Lord. If from my heart I have faith in Him He will lead me there. (2x)

    There’s One Way of Salvation



  • Today we meet together. Great fortune It’s grace from the Lord, God. Great fortune We all stand together. Great fortune Praying for all your needs Great fortune Today we meet together. Great fortune It’s mercy from Jesus Christ. Great fortune We all stand together, Great fortune Sing all your needs to Him. Great fortune Today we meet together. Great fortune It’s sovereignty from the Holy Spirit. Great fortune We all stand together. Great fortune Sing the joyful praise songs to Him. Great fortune We will have eternal life Great fortune

    Today We Meet Together



  • Today the Saviour was born. The Saviour Jesus was born. O what joy! O what happiness! Born in Bethlehem. Born in a stable. O what joy! O what happiness! Shepherds saw the angels. They told them joyful news. O what joy! O what happiness! A star rose in the east. The star showed the way. O what joy! O what happiness! The shepherds came from the fields. The shepherds came singing praises. O what joy! O what happiness! Wise men came from the east. The wise men offered gold and silver. O what joy! O what happiness! The sky was filled with angels. The angels sang a song of praise. O what joy! O what happiness! A joyful day has dawned. A sweet song is sung. O what joy! O what happiness!

    The Saviour Was Born Today



  • Salvation’s day has dawned. So happy. Heart’s filled by joy. So happy. Happy and joy. Savior has no sin. So happy. He died for us. So sad. Happy and sad. Suffered on the cross. So sad. Purified all sin. So happy. Happy and joy. The Lord Jesus died So sad. He rose again after three days. So happy. Happy and joy. Precious blood of Jesus. So happy. Paid for our redemption. So happy. Happy and joy. Conquered the power of death. So happy. Conquered the power of demon. So happy. Happy and joy. Savior Lord Jesus. So happy. Has everlasting life. So happy. Happy and joy. Happy day comes. So happy. Sing the happy song. So happy. Happy and joy.

    Salvation’s Day Has Dawned

  • Salvation’s day has dawned. So happy. Heart’s filled by joy. So happy. Happy and joy. Savior has no sin. So happy. He died for us. So sad. Happy and sad. Suffered on the cross. So sad. Purified all sin. So happy. Happy and joy. The Lord Jesus died So sad. He rose again after three days. So happy. Happy and joy. Precious blood of Jesus. So happy. Paid for our redemption. So happy. Happy and joy. Conquered the power of death. So happy. Conquered the power of demon. So happy. Happy and joy. Savior Lord Jesus. So happy. Has everlasting life. So happy. Happy and joy. Happy day comes. So happy. Sing the happy song. So happy. Happy and joy.

    Salvation’s Day Has Dawned

  • Root/ trace


    Merciful and Humble Saviour


    Humble, compassionate, 
    Saviour, full of mercy
    I’m coming now to follow after You.
    All forsaking, I now follow You
    Saviour, I call on You, 
    Please baptize me O Lord.
        O You are my Lord and Saviour Jesus.
        O I ask please shower me with blessings.
        You know all and save from suffering,
        You are the great and Merciful Sa-viour,
        Jesus, the Lord.
    I come to offer You all I have in this life,
    From this day on, my body, soul & spirit,
    All are yours, O Saviour now receive.
    Show to me Your way of salvation, 
    O, O Lord.





  • Great Father, I take refuge in You. There is no one more powerful than The Almighty Creator of the world. than The Almighty Creator of the world. Lord Jesus, I take refuge in You. There is no one more merciful than The One who died for us. than The One who died for us. Holy Spirit, I take refuge in You. There is no one wiser than The Teacher who knows all. than The Teacher who knows all. Great Father, I take refuge in You. Lord Jesus, I take refuge in You. Holy Spirit, I take refuge in You. There is no one like God. There is no one like God. There is no one like God.

    I Take Refuge


  • One day one man went out (ya la so) Saw a precious jewel in a field (ya la so) Then sold all and bought the field And took the jewel In this world of beauty (ya la so) Don’t say there’s no jewel (ya la so) There’s no other Jewel but Jesus Lord and Saviour Hearing of this jewel (ya la so) Listen very carefully (ya la so) Even when this whole world ends, This Jewel will live on. If this Jewel lives now (ya la so) In your deepest being (ya la so) Even when this whole world ends In you He will live.

    One Day a Man Went Out



  • Our Great God and Father What a love He showed us! He sent His Son Jesus To this earthly realm here. What amazing love He has shown me What amazing love He has shown you. He has shown me, He has shown you. Our great Savior Jesus He has come to seek me But not only for me He has come to seek You. What amazing love! He has sought me. What amazing love! He has sought you. He has sought me, He has sought you. He gave up His own life And He gave it for me But not only for me He gave it for all of us. What amazing love He has shown me. What amazing love He has shown you. He has shown me. He has shown you. I have faith in Him now I’ve received salvation And if you believe in Him You’ll receive salvation And if you believe, you’ll be saved too. And if you believe, you’ll be saved too. And if you believe, you’ll be saved too

    Our Great Father God


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