• 我的神我要敬拜祢 我的心深深地爱祢 在祢的座前 我思想祢恩典 我的心赞美敬拜祢 祢是我心灵的满足 祢是我唯一的喜乐 在祢的座前 我思想祢恩典 我的神我要敬拜祢

    Oh My God I Worship You


    150, 104

  • 有福的确据耶稣属我, 何等的荣耀向我显明。 被救主赎回为神后嗣, 藉宝血洗罪圣灵重生。 这是我信息或讲或唱, 赞美我救主心里欢畅。 常讲主慈爱并颂主恩, 赞美我救主昼夜不分。 完全顺服主我灵欢喜, 天堂的荣耀显于我心。 彷佛有天使由天降临, 报明主慈爱并主怜悯。 完全献与主万事安宁, 荣耀的圣灵充满我心, 时刻仰望主儆醒等候, 不住的祈祷到主再临。

    Blessed Assurance


  • Verse 1 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Chorus This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior, all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior, all the day long; Verse 2 Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Verse 3 Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blessed, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

    Blessed Assurance


  • 连我的父母 都不能够给我那种超大喜乐 唯有主耶稣 才能赐给我那种喜乐 唯有主耶稣 才能赐给我那种喜乐 当我举目,看见山崖, 当我低头,看见沉水 虽然如此,我不担心, 因为我相信我的主。 虽然如此,我不担心, 因为我相信我的主。 我主耶稣带走了, 我一切的忧虑 如今,一切 都变得美好。 如今,一切 都变得美好 唯有耶稣, 是公义,圣洁。 只有祂 会保护我的心。 只有祂 会保护我的心。

    When I Come to Jesus


  • No one, not even my parents, Could give me the overwhelming joy In my heart As when I come to Jesus In my heart As when I come to Jesus When I look up, I see a cliff face, When I look down, I see deep water, But I do not worry, Because I trust in my Lord. But I do not worry, Because I trust in my Lord. The Lord Jesus has taken away, All my worries, My life is now, is wonderful. My life is now, is wonderful. Jesus is the only, Righteous and Holy One, He alone, Will guard my heart. He alone, Will guard my heart.

    When I Come to Jesus


  • My Lord Jehovah is the shepherd of my soul. I have decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I will follow. (2X) I am not afraid of the thieves. I am not worried about what to eat or drink. The shepherd of my life leads me. He provides for all my needs. My Lord Jehovah is shepherd of my soul. (2X) I’ve decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I’ll go. He leads me to green pastures. He leads me beside gentle streams. I have all that I need. He leads me to walk in the light. I have received everlasting life I will dwell forever in His presence. My Lord Jehovah is the shepherd of my soul. I’ve decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I’ll go (2x)

    My Lord Jehovah


  • 我主耶和华是我灵魂的牧者。 我决定听从祂的声音。 无论祂带我到哪里,我都会跟随他。 我不害怕贼。 我不担心吃喝。 我生命的牧人带领我。 祂供给我所需。 我主耶和华是我灵魂的牧者。 我决定听从祂的声音。 无论祂带我到哪里,我都会跟随他。 祂带我到青草地上。 领我在温柔小河边。 我必不至缺乏。 祂带我到光明之路。 我领受了永生。 我会住在祂的同在当中,直到永远。 我主耶和华是我灵魂的牧者。 我决定听从祂的声音。 无论祂带我到哪里,我都会跟随他。

    My Lord Jehovah


  • 至高神,我的父 我爱祢。 我尽心尽力 爱祢。 我爱祢。 至高神,感谢祢。 祢赐给了我们最高贵的礼物。 祢的儿子耶稣为我们受苦 并且祂胜过死亡。 祂胜过死亡。 至高神 我深心赞美祢, 直到永远。 因为祢赐给了我们最宝贵的礼物 我走上救恩之路。 我走上救恩之路。

    Most High God


  • You are The Living God, You are the master of all. You are The Lord, I will praise you in Your Name x3 You are The Almighty God, You are the saviour of all. You are The Lord, I will give thanks in Your Name x3 You are the God of love, You are the one who gives blessings to all. You are The Lord, I will rejoice in Your Name x3 You are the God who gives peace, You are the one who gives salvation to all. You are The Lord, I will pray in Your Name x3

    You are the Living God


  • 神爱世人 甚至赐下他的独生子 好让所有信他的人 得永恒的生命 什么是真爱? 并不是我们爱了神 而是神爱了我们 并且把主耶稣赐给我们 耶稣是神的儿子 他爱我们 他从天上降下来 他赦免了我们的罪 他是唯一的救,主没有人能像他 他替世人受到惩罚 他现在对所有的人说, 一切罪人,到我这里来

    God Gave His Own Son



  • Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Lord Jesus You bore my sins Lord Jesus You died for me Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Although we have many worries We will follow You Lord Jesus Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Although we have much suffering We will follow You Lord Jesus

    Gracious God


  • 哈利路亚,满有恩惠的上帝 哈利路亚,满有恩惠的天父 主耶稣你担当了我的罪 主耶稣你为我而死 哈利路亚充,满有恩惠的上帝 哈利路亚,满有恩惠的天父 虽然我们有许多忧虑 但是我们仍然跟随主耶稣 哈利路亚,满有恩惠的上帝 哈利路亚,满有恩惠的天父 虽然我们有许多苦难 但是我们仍然跟随主耶稣

    Gracious God
