• The Lord God, creator of heaven and earth, He came to the world and shone His light By His light, the world is illuminated Everyone is filled with joy, because of God’s blessing. God gave me strength and power, I fear no one Whether I live or die, it’s in His hands Jesus gave us salvation so we sing hallelujah He leads us in His way, He is the Lord Jesus Christ Our Saviour Jesus, bore all our suffering. Jesus is alive today, Jesus will be alive tomorrow. He never changes. He lives in heaven He lives in heaven, and He hears our prayers

    Lord God, Creator Of Heaven And Earth


  • Human life is like mist, full of uncertainties As we look, it disappears (x2) Jesus is The Protector, Jesus is The Saviour (x2) Human life is like the sun rising in the east, it doesn’t rise forever As it keeps rising, it eventually sets in the west (x2) Jesus is The Protector, Jesus is The Saviour (x2) Human life is like snow on a mountain, it doesn’t stay long As it falls, the sun melts it away (x2) Jesus is The protector, Jesus is The Saviour (x2)

    Human Life Is Like Mist


  • You are holy God Please make my heart holy With all my heart I thank You I praise You God You are good You are The True God Oh yes, with all my heart I thank You I praise You You are holy God come dwell within me with all my heart I thank You I praise You

    God You Are Good


  • God sent His Son They called Him Jesus He came to love, heal and forgive He lived and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives, all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living, just because He lives How sweet to hold a newborn baby And feel the pride and joy he gives But greater still, the calm assurance This child can face uncertain days, because He lives And then one day, I’ll cross the river I’ll fight life’s final war with pain And then as death gives way to victory I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns

    Because He Lives

  • Dzowo, lha yi trö tu kye gi drenda suyang me Mirik tamje kye gi düntu yong nɛ Kye la dö ngak jö Siji tsangma kye la bü Dzowo, kye nyi ko na, ngotsar denbɛ Gönchok yin Dzowo, kye gi dɛnbɛ lam te nga la lopbar dzö Dzowo, kye gi tsenla jikchir,ngɛ losem dze jik yinbar dzö

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • The Lord’s Prayer



  • How great is the power of grace. Your grace saved me from the furnace of hell. I’m thanking You from my heart. Praise and glory be to You. I was a lost traveller, But when I met Jesus I found the true way. I’m thanking You from my heart. Praise and glory be to You. Oh hopeless sinner am I, I found the hope of salvation in Jesus. I’m thanking You from within my heart. Praise and glory be to You. Eternal life is found in Jesus. He is the only way. I’m thanking You from within my heart. Praise and glory be to You.

    Amazing God



  • Our God in heaven, Hallelujah May You come here now God as You come to us, Hallelujah Come and be with our relatives Be with our relatives, Hallelujah Live according to the Lord Jesus’ words To the Name of the Lord, Hallelujah May the nations listen to Jesus’ name To the nations, Hallelujah Give grace and blessing

    Lord In Heaven



  • Nga Yeshu la deba che gi yö Kong ni Könchok gi Sɛ de yin Kong trongba nɛ sönbo shengba re Kong gi nga la tarba nangwa re O…o…. Kong trongba nɛ sönbo shengba re Kong gi nga la tarba nangwa re Kong ngatsö kyila shü yö Tsangme kyila yö Traksowe wang kong nyam dü yö Diksel nangwe wang yang yö O…o…. Traksowe wang kong nyam dü yö Diksel nangwe wang yang yö Nga kyerang la deba che gi yö Kye ni Könchok gi Sɛ de yin Kye trongba nɛ sönbo shengba re Kye gi nga la tarba nangwa re O…o…. Kye trongba nɛ sönbo shengba re Kye gi nga la tarba nangwa re

    Believe in Jesus

  • The beautiful stars in the sky Lie beneath the shining sun All the birds that are fly high And rain that falls from above All are your beautiful creations That fill us with your joy All are your beautiful creations That fill us with your joy. All beautiful souls on the earth All the seas and mountains in it All the flowers that are blooming All the creatures you created are graceful

    Stars in the Sky


  • The beautiful stars in the sky Lie beneath the shining sun All the birds that are fly high And rain that falls from above All are your beautiful creations That fill us with your joy All are your beautiful creations That fill us with your joy. All beautiful souls on the earth All the seas and mountains in it All the flowers that are blooming All the creatures you created are graceful

    Believe in Jesus



  • We as a family from different nations In obedience to His Word Join our hands together To live in His Word My beautiful homeland With the beautiful Himalayas With all kinds of tribes and tastes This is like having heaven on earth All the mountains covered with snow Pour out blessings To all nations From God our Saviour By his grace and love We are delighted To live in His Word My beautiful homeland With the beautiful Himalayas He has changed my evil heart

    Folded Sleeves
