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Central TibetanChineseDzongkhaEnglishInstrumentalKoreanTibetan Roman Script
Global Prayer Day for the Tibetan Buddhist World
God’s Guiding Hand
Jesus Film
Rewa Hope
On that great and triumphant day There was both happiness and suffering. God’s Son sacrificed himself When He was crucified on the cross. In those days people could not understand, Nor could they comprehend, What was false and what was true; They could not uncover the essence of death and deliverance. Jesus loved us so much That he endured the cross for our sake. It was the will of the Almighty, That He would take upon Himself the sins of humanity. For God so loved this world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life.
God’s Great Love
Jesus Is The Christ
How does Jesus save us (English)
Lotus with Christian meaning
Lotus with Christian meaning
Pray for the Tibetan Buddhist World
How does Jesus save us (English)
Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the cross is in Christianity?