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Jesus’ Name is the Greatest
O Lord Jesus Christ Messiah
I Worship You, Almighty God
Joy From Our Hearts
27, 50
We are Gathered Here
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #3
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #1
Praise the Lord all Peoples
There were 12 disciples, and Judas was bad. Judas came to Jesus and betrayed him A group of soldiers came with swords and clubs The army and the high priests agreed The soldiers gave the command, and Jesus followed them They arrested Jesus like a thief They arrested Jesus, in fulfilment of prophecy Jesus’ disciples ran away The high priests met in secret They made false charges against Jesus, so they could have Him killed People gave false testimony But Jesus appeared before Pilate and told the truth
The 12 Disciples
I have a kind of pain which cannot be seen, yet cannot be hidden, even if I try to conceal it. When I try to cast it off, the pain persists still. God of complete knowledge, please cleanse me from this pain within, and give me the power to truly live. The physical pain that is seen by others, overflows in our bodies, and fills our lives with suffering. God of healing, please heal my wounds, and empower me to live for You. God of Salvation, save me from sinful food. Sustain me by every Word which comes from your mouth. May I accept the True God, and may I know Him, before I leave this world.
Unseen Pain