Resources for the songs
Celebration & SeasonsChildrenChristian LifeChristmasDanceEasterFaithFeaturedFolk SongFuneral and DeathGod FatherHopeInstrumentalJesus ChristKhammaps-no-listMarriageMission biographyMusicNewPrayerSalvationScriptureSongWorship
Amdo TibetanBhutaneseBuryatCentral TibetanChineseChinese PinyinDolpoDzongka Roman ScriptDzongkhaEnglishGurungHindiHyolmoInner MongolianInstrumentalKham TibetanKhengkhaKoreanLepchaLhomiLowaLowa Roman ScriptMongolianNaabaNepaliNepali Roman ScriptNubriSekeSherpaSherpa Roman ScriptSikkimeseSpanishTibetanTibetan Roman ScriptTshangla
10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Sungna Mey
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #19
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #15
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #14
Grace of Father
Today We Meet Together
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #17
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #11
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #9
Jesus Savior Amdo Children CD #5
Rememberance of the Grace of Father