• My Lord Jehovah is the shepherd of my soul. I have decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I will follow. (2X) I am not afraid of the thieves. I am not worried about what to eat or drink. The shepherd of my life leads me. He provides for all my needs. My Lord Jehovah is shepherd of my soul. (2X) I’ve decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I’ll go. He leads me to green pastures. He leads me beside gentle streams. I have all that I need. He leads me to walk in the light. I have received everlasting life I will dwell forever in His presence. My Lord Jehovah is the shepherd of my soul. I’ve decided to listen to His voice. Wherever He leads me, I’ll go (2x)

    My Lord Jehovah


  • You are The Living God, You are the master of all. You are The Lord, I will praise you in Your Name x3 You are The Almighty God, You are the saviour of all. You are The Lord, I will give thanks in Your Name x3 You are the God of love, You are the one who gives blessings to all. You are The Lord, I will rejoice in Your Name x3 You are the God who gives peace, You are the one who gives salvation to all. You are The Lord, I will pray in Your Name x3

    You are the Living God


  • Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Lord Jesus You bore my sins Lord Jesus You died for me Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Although we have many worries We will follow You Lord Jesus Hallelujah, Gracious God Hallelujah, Gracious Father Although we have much suffering We will follow You Lord Jesus

    Gracious God


  • First when I came into this world here O my heart was so full of anguish Then I met my Saviour Jesus And my anguish He washed all away Then I met my Saviour Jesus And my anguish He washed all away. O Lord, I now believe in you Please grant to me salvation You are God the Lord most High and Please show to me your righteous pathway. You are God the Lord most High and Please show to me your righteous pathway. White bird, o high-flying white Crane Please lend me your soaring power What magnificent wing-power I will go to tell out the Good news What magnificent wing-power I will go to Father God’s presence.

    When I First Arrived


    68, 44

  • All Nations Will Bring You Glory



  • Cover image

    Amazing Grace

  • Gye, Gönchò, namka tang sashi Kye-gi wang-gi göba re Gye, Gönchò, namka tang sashi Kye-gi chà-gi göba re Kye-la kakbo kang yang me (2) Ngantsö günwang-gi Gönchò Ga tang dzäba-nam chembo ye Kang yang, kang yang Dzawa nä kang yang Kye-la kakbo kang yang me

    Ah, Lord God

  • 1 God is so good (3) He’s so good to me. 2 He took my sin (3) He’s so good to me. 3 Now I am free (3) He’s so good to me. 4 God is so good He took my sin Now I am free He’s so good to me.

    God Is So Good



  • 1 Dzowö tongma sashi gö Nam-nam chà-gi dzä Kye-gi gyätri dak-du nä Trangbö trimyuk yö 2 Trangbor cham gyang ngänbar dang Te chir Gönchò nä Trokbo-nam lä lhakbar kye Gadrö num-gi chuk 3 Kyö-ni nga-yi Sä yin jing Tering nga-la trung Nga-ni te-yi Yâb gyur shing Te ngä Sä-su gyur

    Hebrews 1:5, 8-10

  • 1 Kong-ni Gönchò yib dän yang Gönchò tang ni nyamba bang (2) 2 Kong-gi wangcha tor dzä te Yokbö sung-nyän yong nang te Kong-ni ngantso drawar gyur 3 Mi-yi gusu drawä na Mänsa sung shing gyangshing kar Trongba dzam-du gabang dzä 4 Tendra yin-dzang Gönchò-ki Tsän-nam yong lä towä tsän Kong-la nang shing pakbar dzä 5 Yeshü tsän-ni jö dzam-du Sa wo sa deng sa la sum Bümo dzuk jing je re re 6 Yeshu Mashika bashì Dzowo la she kälang shing Gönchò Yâb-la döbar gyur

    Philippians 2:6-11

  • //: Nge Gön Yeshu Mashikä Gönchò Yâb-la dö-nga sho :// 1 Namkä Tuknyi-gi lab-bä Ngantsor Mashikä ngang nä Gönchò trung-tu ngantso-nam Tamba gyön me gyurwä chir Jikden ma gö ngön rö-tu Mashikä nang nge dam so 2 Tuksu chönba kong gyü nä Lürin mebä sörä-su Nangwä tukje bädö chir (2) 3 Nyi-gi tuk-gi gongba shin Yeshu Mashikä tâb-gyi Kong-gi Säsu nge gyurwar Dzewä dönä tuk tajä 4 Kong-gi yeshe tang dokbä Ngantsor län mang nangwa-yi Bak-du mebä tukje-yi Yeshü gutrà-gi go nä Kong gyü nge-la tarba tang Nyegyön-nam-gi dikse tob 5 Gäba yongsu dzo gyur de Nam tang sa-la näba gün Mashika wo duwä trä Nyi-gi gongbä sangwa te Nge-la ngönbar dzäba yin (2) 6 Tamjä nyi-gi chü shin-du Dzäba kong-gi gongba dar Ngantso Mashikar re-nam Kong-gi bä-la dö chir gö 7 Tarbä trinsang dembä ga Tö nä täba kye-nam la-ang Shä-gi shebä Tuknyi-gyi Chagya dâb-bar dzäba-o 8 Te-ni tarbä norgä te Nge-la tob ring dam ma o Gönchò bä-la dö-nga so (2)

    Ephesians 1:3-14

  • Tongmar ga yö lakba tang Ga te Gönchò nyam-du shu Ga te Gönchò laba tang Dö nä Gönchò nyam-du shuk ll 1 Ngöbo tamjä ga te dzä Kong me ji yang ma chung ngo Kong-gi nang na sönba de Sönba mi-yi wö de yin 2 Wö de münbä nang-tu shar Münbä nönbar mi nü so Ga te gulü dämbar drü Ngantsö trö-tu shuktsä to 3 Yâb nä chungwä Sä jikbo Tukje dembä kangwa-yi Siji konar nganstö tong (2)

    John 1:1- 18