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Praise the Lord, all you nations! Praise the Lord, all you people! He is gracious to us. His truth will last forever. Praise the Lord! (2x)
Praise the Lord all Peoples
Hallelujah hallelujah… Father God, All praise and thanks to You. Hallelujah hallelujah… Father God, All praise and thanks to You. I came into this world as a guest. I will leave after fulfilling the work that God has given me. And I am a citizen of His kingdom. Hallelujah hallelujah,in Jesus name, I give thanks. Hallelujah hallelujah,in Jesus name, I give thanks. I am God’s chosen citizen, I came to explain the Word of God. And I came to baptised those who accept Him. Hallelujah hallelujah,by the Holy Spirit, From my heart I give praise. Hallelujah hallelujah,by the Holy Spirit, From my heart I give praise. In this life, I will avoid evil words, and harmful substances. I want to serve God before I leave this world. I came to share and explain what God has done.
Three True Words
God’s loving kindness is better than life My lips will thank You, My heart will praise You, Your loving kindness is better than life I lift my hands up in God’s Name My lips will thank You, My heart will praise You, Your loving kindness is better than life I will serve the Lord, with all my heart My lips will thank You, My heart will praise You, Your loving kindness is better than life
God’s Loving Kindness
Let Our Praise to You Be as Incense
The Earth is the Lord’s
Jesus, I Offer You All
From the mountain I see, no one remembers. Only one or two brothers, remember the Lord Jesus. My heart is anxious within me. When I’m in pain and experiencing suffering, I remember You, Lord Jesus. I have so much pain in my life, I pour out my songs of lamentation. I sing a sad song, and remember You, Lord Jesus. The world is full of sin and war. In the midst of war, you remembered the Lord Jesus. A world filled with tears has worsened. When tragedy surrounded you, you remembered the Lord Jesus.
From The Mountain I See
I Worship You, Almighty God
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology)
Come, O Christians
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
With My Hands Lifted Up