Resources for the songs
Celebration & SeasonsChildrenChristian LifeChristmasDanceEasterFaithFeaturedFolk SongFuneral and DeathGod FatherHopeInstrumentalJesus ChristKhammaps-no-listMarriageMission biographyMusicNewPrayerSalvationScriptureSongWorship
Amdo TibetanBhutaneseBuryatCentral TibetanChineseChinese PinyinDolpoDzongka Roman ScriptDzongkhaEnglishGurungHindiHyolmoInner MongolianInstrumentalKham TibetanKhengkhaKoreanLepchaLhomiLowaLowa Roman ScriptMongolianNaabaNepaliNepali Roman ScriptNubriSekeSherpaSherpa Roman ScriptSikkimeseSpanishTibetanTibetan Roman ScriptTshangla
One Day a Man Went Out
Follow, Follow, I Will Follow Jesus
I Believe in Jesus
Our Great Father God
64, 30
Jesus Is Our Saviour (2)
63, 26
We are Gathered Here
O Friend, A Prayer of Blessings
God My Saviour
He Is Lord
Ah, Lord God
O Christ of the White Clouds
Jesus Is Our Saviour (2)
63, 26