• On that great and triumphant day There was both happiness and suffering. God’s Son sacrificed himself When He was crucified on the cross. In those days people could not understand, Nor could they comprehend, What was false and what was true; They could not uncover the essence of death and deliverance. Jesus loved us so much That he endured the cross for our sake. It was the will of the Almighty, That He would take upon Himself the sins of humanity. For God so loved this world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life.

    God’s Great Love

  • God’s Great Love


  • There’s One Way of Salvation



  • Joy From Our Hearts

    27, 50

  • Jesus Is Our Saviour (2)

    63, 26

  • १. ङये को़न्ज्योक, ङे खो़त्ल तो़त् । ङरङ्ॱसिम् नङ्नी खो़त्ल ग, खो़त्गी स्युडी ढुङ्दु ङे खो़त्गी काट्‍टीन् ढेन्ज्युङ्, ङये ॱसिम्नी खो़त्ल तो़प्प पु । २.खो़त् नि ङये ॱसिम्गी धेत्मो़, खो़त् नि ङे गव दि हिन्। खो़त्गी स्युडी ढुङ्दु ङे खो़त्गी काट्‍टीन् ढेन्ज्युङ् । ङये को़न्ज्योक ङे खो़त्ल तो़त् ।

    Oh My God I Worship You

    150, 104

  • Cover image

    God My Saviour

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    I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

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    God My Saviour

  • Nga Yeshü jesu trangwar takche Nga Yeshüjesu trangwar takche Nga Yeshü jesu trangwar takche Chirlok mi dro, chirlok mi dro Mi shen nga nyam dü mi dro yang nga dro Mi shen nganyam dü mi dro yang nga dro Mi shen nga nyam dü mi dro yang nga dro Chirlok mi dro, chirlok mi dro Gyang shing nge ngön la, jikten gyab la yö Gyang shing ngengön la, jikten gyab la yö Gyang shing nge ngön la, jikten gyab la yö Chirlok mi dro, chirlok mi dro Nga Yeshü jela drowe du la Nga Yeshüjela drowe du la Nge sem nang gadrö keng shin de nɛ yö Chirlok mi dro, chirlok mi dro

    I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

  • Könchok ya Könchok nga yi kyamgön Namka ru shukbɛ Köncho Kye ni nyingje tang chamba yi dakbo Dzamling di kye gi gö do Ngatso dikjɛnnam gi dön du Kusok ni pang me du tang song Ngatso dikba nam kong gi sɛl song Ema di dedra kyiba Trokbo ya trokmo dak gi bünda Köncho la mönlam kyön dang Kong-gi tarwɛ lam te tob yong Ngɛ yi sem de dra gawa Kong gi rinchen kutra te yi Ngatso yi dikba nam sɛl song Ta mebɛ so de kye la tob yong Ema nga dedra kyiba

    God My Saviour

  • I have decided To follow Jesus. (3x) No turning back. No turning back. Though none go with me, Still I will follow (3x) No turning back. No turning back. The cross before me, The world behind me. (3x) No turning back. No turning back. With a heart of gladness I’ll follow Jesus. (3x) No turning back. No turning back

    I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

