
Resources for the songs


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  • Tsowo, lha yi tro dü kye gi drunda suyang me Mirik tamje kye gi dündü Ayong nɛKye la tö nga jö Siji tsangma kye la bö (2x) Tsowo, kye nyi ko na, ngotsar denbi Köncho yin Tsowo, kye gi dɛnbi lam dɛ nga la lobar mdzö Tsowo, kye gi tsenla jikchir.Ngi losem ze jik yinbar dzö

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • Kyamgön Yeshü tsen shik ni Köncho nyi gi ka te yin Ka te kor ni gang yin ser Gurlu di la senrok nang Tokmar ka yö laba tang Ka te Köncho nyem dü shuk Ka te Köncho laba tang Dö nɛ Köncho nyem dü shuk Ngöbo tamje ka te dzɛ Kong me chi yang ma chung ngö Kong gi nang na sönba de Sönba mi yi ö te yin Köncho nyi gi ka te la Ngatso sem nɛ töl ba pü Kyamgön tsowo Yeshu la Gadrö töyang di pü lo Ö te münbe nang dü shar Münbɛ nönbar ma nü so Ka te kulü denbar trü Ngatso trö tu shuktsɛ do Yab nɛ chungwe Sɛ chikbo Tukje tang denbɛ gangwa yi Siji öser ngastö tong Siji köna ngastö tong Köncho nyi gi ka te la Ngastö sem nɛ tol ba pü Kyamgön tsowo Yeshu la Gatrö töyang di pü lo

    John 1:1- 18

  • Tsowo nga yi dziwo lak Nga la göba chi yang me Tsaka shimsar nyelwar dzɛ Chumi sangsar tribar dzɛ Nge semso shing kong nyi gi Tsen gi chir dü lam treng tön Chi nyen yösar dro gö kang Nga la jikba gang yang me Te ni je chir yin ser na Kye nyi nga tang nyam dü shuk Kye gi cha gi chakar te Nga yi semso yinbɛ so Nge dre dünsar kye nyi-gi Nga la gatön chi dön sham nɛ Nge gor chilab gi num chuk Nga yi porba lü tsam kang Kye gi katrin tang tukje Nga la tse gang nɛbar gyur Nga rang tsowü podrang nang Gyün nɛ gyün dü nɛbar gyur

    The Lord is My Shepherd

  • Kye, miri kün Yawer tö ngö shig Kye, mide nam Kong la tö ngo shig Nge la kong gi Tukje che la shing Yawɛ den nyi Gün du nɛbɛ so Yahowa la Töbar gi shi a Yahowa la Töbar gi shi a

    Praise the Lord all Peoples

  • Dzowo, lha yi trö tu kye gi drenda suyang me Mirik tamje kye gi düntu yong nɛ Kye la dö ngak jö Siji tsangma kye la bü Dzowo, kye nyi ko na, ngotsar denbɛ Gönchok yin Dzowo, kye gi dɛnbɛ lam te nga la lopbar dzö Dzowo, kye gi tsenla jikchir,ngɛ losem dze jik yinbar dzö

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • 主啊,没有任何神明能与你相比。 万族都会在你面前敬拜你,荣耀你。 主啊,唯有你是奇妙的上帝。 主啊,教导我你的真道。 主啊,为敬畏你的名,请让我的心全然为你。

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory



  • Oh Lord our God, among the gods there is no one like You. All the nations You have made will come and worship You Oh Lord. They will bring glory to Your name. For You are great and do marvelous deeds, You alone are God So teach me Your way Oh Lord, and I will walk in Your truth. That I may fear Your name, please give me an undivided heart.

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory



  • In the beginning was the Word And the Word was with God And the Word was God He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; Without Him nothing Was made that has been made. In Him was life, And that life was the light of men. The Word of God We praise you from our hearts. To Jesus Christ Sing this joyful praise song. The light shines in the darkness, But the darkness Has not understood it. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, The glory of the One and Only Who came from the Father, Full of grace and truth. The Word of God We praise you from our hearts. To Jesus Christ Sing this joyful praise song

    John 1:1- 18



  • The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want He makes me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside quiet waters He restores my soul He guides me in paths of righteousness For His name’s sake Even though I walk through The valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me Your rod and your staff they comfort me You prepare a table before me In the presence of my enemies You anoint my head with oil My cup overflows Surely goodness and love Will follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house Of the Lord forever.

    The Lord is My Shepherd



  • Praise the Lord, all you nations! Praise the Lord, all you people! He is gracious to us. His truth will last forever. Praise the Lord! (2x)

    Praise the Lord all Peoples

  • //: Nge Gön Yeshu Mashikä Gönchò Yâb-la dö-nga sho :// 1 Namkä Tuknyi-gi lab-bä Ngantsor Mashikä ngang nä Gönchò trung-tu ngantso-nam Tamba gyön me gyurwä chir Jikden ma gö ngön rö-tu Mashikä nang nge dam so 2 Tuksu chönba kong gyü nä Lürin mebä sörä-su Nangwä tukje bädö chir (2) 3 Nyi-gi tuk-gi gongba shin Yeshu Mashikä tâb-gyi Kong-gi Säsu nge gyurwar Dzewä dönä tuk tajä 4 Kong-gi yeshe tang dokbä Ngantsor län mang nangwa-yi Bak-du mebä tukje-yi Yeshü gutrà-gi go nä Kong gyü nge-la tarba tang Nyegyön-nam-gi dikse tob 5 Gäba yongsu dzo gyur de Nam tang sa-la näba gün Mashika wo duwä trä Nyi-gi gongbä sangwa te Nge-la ngönbar dzäba yin (2) 6 Tamjä nyi-gi chü shin-du Dzäba kong-gi gongba dar Ngantso Mashikar re-nam Kong-gi bä-la dö chir gö 7 Tarbä trinsang dembä ga Tö nä täba kye-nam la-ang Shä-gi shebä Tuknyi-gyi Chagya dâb-bar dzäba-o 8 Te-ni tarbä norgä te Nge-la tob ring dam ma o Gönchò bä-la dö-nga so (2)

    Ephesians 1:3-14

  • Tongmar ga yö lakba tang Ga te Gönchò nyam-du shu Ga te Gönchò laba tang Dö nä Gönchò nyam-du shuk ll 1 Ngöbo tamjä ga te dzä Kong me ji yang ma chung ngo Kong-gi nang na sönba de Sönba mi-yi wö de yin 2 Wö de münbä nang-tu shar Münbä nönbar mi nü so Ga te gulü dämbar drü Ngantsö trö-tu shuktsä to 3 Yâb nä chungwä Sä jikbo Tukje dembä kangwa-yi Siji konar nganstö tong (2)

    John 1:1- 18