• On that great and triumphant day There was both happiness and suffering. God’s Son sacrificed himself When He was crucified on the cross. In those days people could not understand, Nor could they comprehend, What was false and what was true; They could not uncover the essence of death and deliverance. Jesus loved us so much That he endured the cross for our sake. It was the will of the Almighty, That He would take upon Himself the sins of humanity. For God so loved this world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life.

    God’s Great Love

  • God’s Great Love


  • १४७. थुज्यी धङ् ॱ ङिङ्ज्यी १.थुज्यी धङ् ॱङिङ्ज्यी थोप्च्ये यो़प्पल रोरम् गो़दी़ रोरम् योङ्ज्ये यो़प्पल को़न्ज्योक्‍की थुज्यीगी स्युडी ढुङ्दु ज्यिक्टक् मिप्प स्युदेन ज्यक्दु डो । ४ २.सो़प्प धङ् ॱङङ्‍रीन थोप्च्ये यो़प्पल रोरम् गो़दी़ रोरम् योङ्ज्ये यो़प्पल को़न्ज्योक्‍की थुज्यीगी स्युडी ढुङ्दु ज्यिक्टक् मिप्प स्युदेन ज्यक्दु डो । ४ २.झ्यी़रीक् धङ् ॱस्यीरप् थोप्च्ये यो़प्पल रोरम् गो़दी़ रोरम् योङ्ज्ये यो़प्पल को़न्ज्योक्‍की थुज्यीगी स्युडी ढुङ्दु ज्यिक्टक् मिप्प स्युदेन ज्यक्दु डो । ४

    To Receive Grace and Compassion

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    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • 1. To receive grace and compassion, To receive in times of need, Approaching near God, Let us beseech Him. 2. To receive forgiveness and healing, To receive courage in despair, Approaching near God, Let us fall at His feet. 3. To know God’s will, To receive blessings and anointing, Approaching near God Let us cry to God.

    To Receive Grace and Compassion

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    O Heaven, is in My Heart

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    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

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    To Receive Grace and Compassion



  • Tsowo, lha yi tro dü kye gi drunda suyang me Mirik tamje kye gi dündü Ayong nɛKye la tö nga jö Siji tsangma kye la bö (2x) Tsowo, kye nyi ko na, ngotsar denbi Köncho yin Tsowo, kye gi dɛnbi lam dɛ nga la lobar mdzö Tsowo, kye gi tsenla jikchir.Ngi losem ze jik yinbar dzö

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • Dzowo, lha yi trö tu kye gi drenda suyang me Mirik tamje kye gi düntu yong nɛ Kye la dö ngak jö Siji tsangma kye la bü Dzowo, kye nyi ko na, ngotsar denbɛ Gönchok yin Dzowo, kye gi dɛnbɛ lam te nga la lopbar dzö Dzowo, kye gi tsenla jikchir,ngɛ losem dze jik yinbar dzö

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory

  • 主啊,没有任何神明能与你相比。 万族都会在你面前敬拜你,荣耀你。 主啊,唯有你是奇妙的上帝。 主啊,教导我你的真道。 主啊,为敬畏你的名,请让我的心全然为你。

    All Nations Will Bring You Glory



  • All Nations Will Bring You Glory
