• Gönchò-la gawar sho Kong-la döba pü tang, Haleluya Jubilate deo! Jubilate deo! Alleluia!

    Jubilate Deo

  • 1 Gönchò-gi nyi-gi Sä nang nä Jikden di-la chambar dzä to Kong-la täba chekän tamjä Ta mebä sò tob yong 2 Chamba ngotò kang yin ser na Nge Gönchò-la chambar ma yin Kong-gi nge-la chambar dzä jing Dzowo Yeshu nang ngo 3 Yeshu-ni Gönchò-gi Sä yin Kong-gi nge-la chambar dzäbä Ngantso dikba nä tarwar dzä Namka nä dir peb so 4 Kong mado Gyamgön shän shik me Kong kyö-gi chir Du-ngä nyong song Ta kong-gi chambar bö-gi du Dikjän-nam ngä dzar sho

    God Gave His Own Son

  • 1 Gönchò gadrin chembo (3) Gadrin chembo re 2 Nga-yi dikba sä song (3) Gadrin chembo re 3 Nga-la rangwang tob chung (3) Gadrin chembo re 4 Gönchò gadrin chembo (3) Nga-yi dikba sä song Nga-la rangwang tob chung Gadrin chembo re

    God Is So Good

  • 1 Gönchò-gi trung-tu lo Tenä kyö tar yong ngo //: Lön di-ni Gönchò-gi Mi tamjä-la dang ngo :// 2 Chakba tang kachökän Dikjän tang trangbo-nam //: Yeshü dzar ong na-ni Kong-gi tamjä tren yong :// 3 Sashi tamjä-gi chir Drön chembo jik sham du //: Su yang ong döba-nam Tanda gyokbo shok jì :// 4 Gönchò-gi Sä te-la Kyö-gi dikba tö na //: Kong-gi yong su sä shing Ta mebä sò nang yong :// 5 Kyö-gi sem nga-la nang Ngä kyö gyibo che yong //: Kong-gi chambä gä-la Tendra kyö-la gül lo :// 6 Tanda gyokbo lok sho Kyö-gi Yâb-gi trung-tu //: Kong-la kyö jik mi gö Kong-gi kyö-la cham so :// 7 Yeshü dza-la ongkän Te-la tarba tob yong //: Lön di-ni Gönchò-gi Yü tsangma-ru dang ngo ://

    Come Back To God

  • Gye, mirì gün Yawer dö-ngo shì Gye, mide-nam kong-la dö-ngo shi Nge-la kong-gi tukje che lak shing Yawä den nyì gyün-du näbä so Yahowa-la döbar-gi shi a

    Praise the Lord all Peoples

  • 1 Jesus loves me! this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to Him belong They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! (3) The Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide He will wash away my sin Let his little child come in. 3 He loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way Thou hast bled and died for me I will henceforth live for Thee.

    Jesus Loves Me, This I Know


  • Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Red and yellow, black and white They are precious in his sight Jesus loves the little children of the world

    Jesus Loves the Little Children


  • Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might Heaven and earth are Filled with Your glory. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and might Heaven and earth are Filled with Your glory. Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest!

    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord


  • Ga wa la dang Ga wa la O what joy and happiness! From our Saviour Jesus Christ This new day has dawned upon us. Thank you Lord, Gracious One, From our hearts we offer you Our praise song (2x) Blessed One, O come to us, On this very day, today! You have shown your love to us, We will offer you our praise. Saviour Jesus, grant to us Your salvation from our sin Grant your blessing upon us. Then how happy we shall be.

    Joy, O Joy!



  • 1 Thank you Lord for this fine day Thank you Lord for this fine day Thank you Lord for this fine day Right where we are. 2 Thank you Lord for this good food (etc…) 3 Thank you Lord for blessing us (etc.)

    Thank You Lord For This Fine Day



  • Ah Lord God Thou hast made the heavens And the earth by Thy great power. Ah Lord God Thou hast made the heavens And the earth by Thine outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for Thee Nothing is too difficult for Thee. O great and mighty God Great in counsel and mighty in deed Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing Nothing is too difficult for Thee.

    Ah, Lord God



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