Root/ trace

Jacob’s Fight at Night


Many years passed before Jacob went back home. God had blessed him with great wealth, he was married and had many children. While on his way, he received news that Esau was nearby. Hearing that Esau had an army of men, Jacob feared for his family’s safety.

Jacob prayed, “Lord, You said You would watch over me!
I am afraid Esau will kill us! Please, protect us.”
Jacob prepared big herds of animals as a special gift for Esau.
Jacob thought, “Hopefully Esau will forgive me when he sees this gift.”

That night, Jacob prayed again. A man wrestled with him until morning. Jacob’s leg was hurt, but he would not stop struggling.
“I will not let go of you until you have blessed me,” said Jacob.
The man said, “Your name will be changed from Jacob to Israel. For you have wrestled with God and won the victory!”

Later, Jacob and Esau met. Jacob bowed low before Esau. Esau had forgiven his brother. He ran to Jacob and kissed him. The brothers cried for they were happy to see each other.

Who did Jacob wrestle with?
Why did Jacob’s name change to Israel?


Evangelization, Faith, Salvation, Story Telling and Stories

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