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My Heart’s Support


Heavenly Father God, 
You are my heart’s tower of strength.
You gave up Your only Son 
Thus giving me salvation.  
Your great love is drawing my heart.
Please give me a word, 
That I might know Your will. 
Please give me a word.

Savior Jesus, 
You are the lover of my soul.   
Without regret you gave your own life 
To take away my sin.  
You have suffered, 
Thus I myself am healed.
With compassionate eyes 
Please look at me, 
That I might belong to You. 
With compassion look at me.
Beloved Holy Spirit, 
You are my heart’s companion.
You came into my heart 
To give me Your comfort   
When You touch my life, 
I am strengthened.   
Please protect my heart, 
That I might stay close to You. 
Please protect my heart.

Leona Von Brethorst



Central Asia Publishing (Publisher)




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