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Amdo TibetanBhutaneseBuryatCentral TibetanChineseChinese PinyinDolpoDzongka Roman ScriptDzongkhaEnglishGurungHindiHyolmoInner MongolianInstrumentalKham TibetanKhengkhaKoreanLepchaLhomiLowaLowa Roman ScriptMongolianNaabaNepaliNepali Roman ScriptNubriSekeSherpaSherpa Roman ScriptSikkimeseSpanishTibetanTibetan Roman ScriptTshangla
First when I came into this world here O my heart was so full of anguish Then I met my Saviour Jesus And my anguish He washed all away Then I met my Saviour Jesus And my anguish He washed all away. O Lord, I now believe in you Please grant to me salvation You are God the Lord most High and Please show to me your righteous pathway. You are God the Lord most High and Please show to me your righteous pathway. White bird, o high-flying white Crane Please lend me your soaring power What magnificent wing-power I will go to tell out the Good news What magnificent wing-power I will go to Father God’s presence.
When I First Arrived
68, 44
All Nations Will Bring You Glory
I Came to this Holy Place
I Believe that the Lord has Anointed You
As the Deer
You Are Welcome/ Invitation
His name is Jesus
We Honour You
Your Love is Higher than Heaven
I Need You
You Were Born to Receive Love
I’m Hungry