Resources for the songs
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Amdo TibetanBhutaneseBuryatCentral TibetanChineseChinese PinyinDolpoDzongka Roman ScriptDzongkhaEnglishGurungHindiHyolmoInner MongolianInstrumentalKham TibetanKhengkhaKoreanLepchaLhomiLowaLowa Roman ScriptMongolianNaabaNepaliNepali Roman ScriptNubriSekeSherpaSherpa Roman ScriptSikkimeseSpanishTibetanTibetan Roman ScriptTshangla
Come Holy Spirit
Come to Jesus
The Lord is the Light of the World
We are Gathered Here
I Am Among You
He Gave Me Great Love
Root/ trace
Lord, I Lift Your Name
Rick Founds
Awesome God
Их Эзэнээ магтан дуулъя
Их Эзэнээ магтан дуулъя
When I’m Lonely and Sad
Blessed Be Your Name