Resources for the songs
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Amdo TibetanBhutaneseBuryatCentral TibetanChineseChinese PinyinDolpoDzongka Roman ScriptDzongkhaEnglishGurungHindiHyolmoInner MongolianInstrumentalKham TibetanKhengkhaKoreanLepchaLhomiLowaLowa Roman ScriptMongolianNaabaNepaliNepali Roman ScriptNubriSekeSherpaSherpa Roman ScriptSikkimeseSpanishTibetanTibetan Roman ScriptTshangla
Only One Thought in Me
I Lift My Hands To God
Root/ trace
As the Deer
Martin J Nystrom
Jesus We Enthrone You
Lord, I Lift Your Name
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
Seek Ye First (1)
Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart
You Deserve the Glory